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(Vajrasattva Shakti Consort, Buddhist Handmade Thangka Painting, Tibetan Style, Real Gold)
Vajrasattva is also regarded as Adi-Buddha by Nepalese Bajracharya’s who follow Vajrayana tradition according to the text Vajrasattva Kaya. His body is white with one face and two hands. His right-hand holds a five-pronged golden vajra at his heart. His left-hand holds a silver bell at his side. He sits in the Vajraparyanka posture wearing precious silks and ornaments with jewel diadem. His body is adorned with the major and minor marks of a Sambhogakaya and emits a clear limitless light. It appears to lack all notion of substantiality, like the reflection of the moon in the water.
Vajrasattva has a father-mother aspect too. Generally, this form is not exhibited in open. It is shown only to those who are initiated in the Highest Yoga Tantra. His form is the same as in the single one but his consort carries a Kartika in her right hand and a kapala in her left hand.

  • Size: Height 61cm (24") Width 46cm (18")

The Bodhisattva Vajrasattva (Tibetan: Dorje Sempa) is an important figure in different Buddhist traditions and associated to purification, meditation and esoteric practices.
He is considered emanation of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra and manifestation of the Buddha Vajradhara.
Vajrasattva has two main wrathful forms: Vajrapani and the extremely wrathful form Vajrakilaya.

There are different designs of thangka paintings representing Vajrasattva. He can be depicted in the single aspect sitting in “vajra” pose as described in the Yoga Tantras, or with various peaceful or wrathful consorts.
In both representations Vajrasattva holds with the right hand a gold vajra and a bell with the left hand. He is depicted leaning slightly to the left and his body is adorned with gold and jewels.

The thankga paintings of Vajrasattva are very important for the community of Newar Buddhists of the Kathmandu Valley as they worship this Bodhisattva as the perfect teacher during the Guru Maṇḍala puja.
The practice of Vajrasattva as manifestation of Vajradhara is one of the earliest practices in Vajrayana Buddhism and in traditional Shingon Buddhism is considered a manifestation of Buddha Samantabhadra.
In Tibetan Buddhism the hundred syllable mantra of Dorje Sempa is very famous and regarded as having the ability to purify karma, bring peace during meditation practices and promote enlightenment.
This thangka of Vajrasattva has real gold painted on its surface along with other paints. This is an ancient process of decorating the thangka in Tibetan Buddhism, Here gold is ground into gold dust, which is then mixed with other undisclosed material to make it paintable on the canvas. this mixture is then mixed with transparent glue and painted on the thangka.




61cm (24")
46cm (18")


350 gm – 0.77 lbs


Cotton Canvas and Mineral Color


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